Naming files by [BarcodeFromImage] and using previously detected barcode for next image?

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Naming files by [BarcodeFromImage] and using previously detected barcode for next image?

Post by rikun » Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:29 am

Hi there,

Would it be possible to name files so that whenever there is a barcode in image, it becomes the file name, BUT after that every image that doesn't contain a barcode gets also named by the previously captured barcode plus a counter? I tested the barcode analyzation from image and it worked really nice. So at the moment capture 1 gets named like I want to.


Capture 1 has a barcode in the image, gets named: 020200220.jpg (if barcode has those numbers)
Capture 2 doesn't have any barcode in the image, I'd like the filename to be: 020200220_2.jpg
Capture 3 doesn't have a barcode: 020200220_3.jpg
Capture xxx has a barcode in the image, gets named: 515155151.jpg (if barcode has those numbers)
Capture xxx doesn't have any barcode, gets named: 515155151_2.jpg

And so on...

Naming files by [BarcodeFromImage] and using previously detected barcode for next image?


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