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How does digiCamControl read information from the camera?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:46 pm
by jetley
I'm am planning a project where a software reads some information from my Nikon camera (ISO, Shutter speed, F, White Balance...) and then it's printed in a console, display or screen.

I have been digging into the source but I can't figure how digiCamControl is able to do that.

So, I'm asking, what does digiCamControl use to read these values (ISO, Shutter speed, F, White Balance...). I mean, software, lib or where it's located in the source code.
Thanks for your help.

P.D.: I'm new here, so I don't know if here is the best subforum where to ask.

Re: How does digiCamControl read information from the camera?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:47 am
by admin

How does digiCamControl read information from the camera

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:01 pm
by Timothyonete
yes... also why not use zget v3? it does all the work for you