Single Command System
This command scheme is used for tcl scripting and for Remote Utility. This can also be used in Tools->Script execution windows
<command> <param> <value>
- camera - select a camera with the specified serial
- camera - select a camera with the specified name, the space in name is replaced with _
- session - will select the session with specified name
- session.
- property.
- liveview.
- camera.
- transfer
- Save to PC only
- Save to camera only
- Save to PC and camera
For set command can be added multiple parameter separated by | character Ex.: set transfer Save_to_camera_only|Iso 400|shutterspeed 1/500|camera.Long_exp_nr ON
- camera - return the selected camera serial number
- session - return current session name
- session.
- property.
- liveview.
- camera.
- camera.recordcondition - return empty if video recording can be started else a error label
- lastcaptured - return the last captured photo name, if the capture in progress the - will be returned
- transfer
- cameras - list all connected cameras serial
- cmds - list all available window commands
- sessions - list all available session
- session - list current session properties
- property - list current connected camera attached properties.
- liveview - list the selected camera liveview settings
- camera - list the selected camera parameters
- camera. - list the selected camera specified parameters available values
Will capture with selected camera, a optional parameter can be set with a file name
capture c:\pictures\capture1.jpg
If only a file name is specified the captured file will be transferred in session folder with specified file name. This option alter the session folder and/or the file name template
Capture without autofocus
Execute a window command. For available commands use List cmds. All command are key sensitive
Special commands (this will return error message if any)
Live view commands
- LiveView_Focus - Auto focus in live view
- LiveView_Capture - Capture in live view, simple capture will not works with all camera models
Other commands
- CaptureAll - Will capture with all connected cameras
- NextSeries - Will increase the series number
Bulb capture commands (works if the astro windows is open)
- StartBulb - Start bulb capture
- EndBulb - Stop bulb capture
- Bulb_CaptureTime_<value> - Set the capture time to <value>
- Bulb_NumOfPhotos_<value>
- Bulb_WaitTime_<value>
- Bulb_PhdWait_<value>
- Bulb_AutomaticGuiding_<0|1>
- Bulb_PhdType_<value>
Available parameters (Get, Set, List)
- shutterspeed
- iso
- exposurecompensation
- aperture
- focusmode
- whitebalance
- mode
- compressionsetting
All examples are for Capture with a specified filename : c:\pictures\capture1.jpg
Tcl scripting
dcc set session.folder c:\pictures
dcc set session.filenametemplate capture1
dcc capture
Remote Utility
CameraControlRemoteCmd.exe /c set session.folder c:\pictures
CameraControlRemoteCmd.exe /c set session.filenametemplate capture1
CameraControlRemoteCmd.exe /c capture
Script editor
set session.folder c:\pictures
set session.filenametemplate capture1
Web interface
Named Pipes